Welcome, netizens!

Hi there! Nice seeing yous here.

It's a lot nicer around these parts. I'm sure yous've seen the pollution suffered by the Core Web, awful stuff going on up there. But let's not worry about that clusterfuck right now. Have a stroll through our little corner of the Periphery and see if yous can find something interesting.

Our Worlds are in the navigation up top, our Conlangs are in the Artbook, and a number of alleyways have we branched from our Garden.

May we begin developing this place in the future

What are you?

I am Ferdaist J, the creature that cares for this plot of land in cyberspace. We are reportedly a queer tranny faggot that does a lot of things and survives on Homestuck references and maybe oxygen.

We've fucked up our idiolect a little bit (read: so fucking much) so some elements are gonna be idiosyncratic or archaic. Thank the other queer tranny faggots in our sphere for that :33 We use plural "we" in free variation with singular "i", which is uncapitaliszed ("we" is almost exclusively for plurality in time). We use it/its pronouns with a plurality but the majority is infinitely diverse.

Why is this place then?

We've just started setting things up here and most parts are gonna be Under Construction until we get the free time to tend to them.

I'm kinda suck at most things i actually do but that's no matter. Do it bad, do it wrong, but do it and love it.